Thursday, March 15, 2012

Nothing is stronger than the power of Love...

     I read a story a while back that I honestly could not believe. The story told of this well known preacher that set out to choose a wife. Many speculations were raised as to who he may choose to be his bride, but when the day arrived his choice was a bit unorthodox to say the least. The preacher announced to the public that he felt God leading him to marry the town prostitute. What? Why? God lead you to marry a prostitute? Are you serious? The town prostitute is going to be the preachers wife? Will she have to lead the ladies weekly luncheon? Can you get into your head the gossip and whispering that went on in that town?
     This is the story of the Prophet Hosea. He was walking along one day minding his own business when God spoke to him about getting for himself a wife. Hosea may have talked to God and told Him how glad He brought that cause he was thinking he needed a wife and had a few picked out. God told Hosea that none of the ones that he had picked out was going to work. God told Hosea the one He chosen was a prostitute named Gomer, Gomer? Who wants to marry a woman named Gomer? God wanted to use this marriage between the devilish and the divine to show His love for Israel.
     Hosea reluctantly agreed and took her home. Hosea's communication with her was half hearted at best. He didn't pour himself into the life of his new bride. He didn't woo her and show her attention. He was married in his head, but he wasn't loving her in his heart. His actions were superficial. As time passed, the push and the pull from and to the old life was stronger than Gomer could take so she walked off and left Hosea standing and watching. Watching her go off to her old lifestyle. Watching her walk into the arms of her lovers. She went back to her former passion. Before we jump and say well that didn't take long, Hosea saved her from this lifestyle and this is how she repays him, did he attempt to help her fit into her new life?
     However, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Hosea missed Gomer and realized he really did love her and went after her. She had found herself in trouble and had become a slave but Hosea paid the price to free her and bring her back to his house again to love her.
     I want us to think about what kind of love it took for Hosea to go back after Gomer.
Hosea loved Gomer:
     1. His love was Focused- He poured his heart and soul into her.
                                         - He didn't care about what was said.
     2. His love was Unexpected- Gomer was not expecting to see Hosea show up for her.
                                                - also, Hosea's love did not expect anything in return.
     3. His love was Unconditional- No matter where Gomer had been, Hosea loved her.
                                                - No matter what she had done, Hosea loved her.
     4. His love was Sacrificial- It cost Hosea to get her back.
                                           - 15 pieces of silver and about 10 bushels of barley
                                           -more importantly he sacrificed his life for her.
     This is a powerful story of grace, mercy, and love. There is nothing stronger than love. What about us? Is this the kind of love that we extend toward others?
     This is also a powerful story in relation to church discipleship. If we do not love the people who come into our church and even make professions of faith and join our family, the push and the pull from their past will become stronger than our love to them. Then one day like Gomer, we look up and they are gone. May we offer to these people our sustaining love that is focused, unexpected, unconditional, and sacrificial.
I am John Sowders and I am Second..!!!!


1 comment:

  1. I can remember hearing this story, but never really putting much thought into. Love it! Good job, John!
