Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Remember playing Simon Says..??

     There are all kinds of games we played when we were growing up. We would play the usual sports games of basketball, football, baseball, and softball. We would also play games like follow the leader and tag. We would get our jars out and see who could catch the most lightning bugs. The game I want to spend our time talking about is Simon Says. You remember that you would do or say whatever Simon said if the person told to do something without saying Simon Says and you did it, you were out of the game. The last one standing would win the game.
     Far more important is the reality of Jesus Says.... For so long, we have taken God's word as something to be memorized or internalized. God's Word should be memorized, but if you memorize just for the sake of just that, we miss the point. God's Word should move us into action.
     What if we did everything else in this world like we do God's Word? As an example, tell your child, "go and clean up your room". What would your reaction be if they came back to you in about an hour or two and said hey, I memorized what you told me. You said, "go and clean your room". I am sure it would not be pleasant. What if they told you, I studied it real hard and I can even tell you what it means in Greek. Your child looks at you and says, "I am even going to have some of my friends come over and study about what you said and we are going to talk about what the room would like if it was clean". Yea, I know the blood would be boiling if that happened.
     How do you think God feels? He has told us to take the gospel into the world but we don't. We stand around with our hands in our pockets offering up excuses why we don't. They range from "I have a hard time talking to people" to " that's what we pay the preacher for". Both of which I have really heard with my own two ears. There is no excuse that is justified or excusable. We try to make it right in our own heads. Jesus told us to go into the whole world. If we wouldn't won't our kids to talk to us and treat us that way, why do we do it to God? We live by a double-standard.
     When Jesus left and ascended, He said He would send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit comes, we are to be witnesses of these things. The Holy Spirit is here. He knew that sometimes the situation would be uncomfortable to some. This is why the Holy Spirit is called the Comforter. We would not need Him if it was not uncomfortable. Let's do what God has told us to do in the power of the Holy Spirit. It will be amazing what we could accomplish. We would reap the benefits of making our Father happy.

I am John Sowders and I have been to The Well..!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Church,,,, A Place for Fond Memories....

     I was a young boy when I realized I was a sinner and needed Jesus as my Savior. My Dad had just gotten saved and I had seen the awesome change that took place in his life and I knew, even though I hadn't lived a long life, I needed a Savior. After all, we all do. We are born with a sin nature that has to be dealt with. Ever since the age of 9, I have been in church. The church that Christ died for has been a part of almost my entire life.
     I have been a part of some really good churches and I have been around a few that were merely a social institution. Concord Baptist Church in Flat Lick, Ky will always hold a dear place in my heart. Almost my whole family accepted Christ as Savior in that church. I remember growing up in the youth department there playing basketball and volleyball constantly. A church needs to have things going on for the children and youth. It was at Concord that I preached the charge to Larry, my brother, and his church when he was ordained into the gospel. My Dad and brother Darrell was ordained as a deacon there. At one time, my entire family served the Lord in this church. The big old cobblestone church will always be special to me.
     As I started to get older, I started attending East Barbourville Baptist Church in Barbourville, Ky. It was at this church I felt God calling me into the ministry. I began to go out and speak at youth events. Pastors would invite me to come preach for them while they were away and sometimes even just to give me an opportunity to share. There are many men in the area back home that will hold a dear place in my heart for giving me those opportunities. East Barbourville Baptist Licensed me and Ordained me into the ministry. My ordination service will always hold a dear place in my heart because my Dad got to sit on my ordaining council. My dad has been dead almost 3 years now and the other day I look at my ordination certificate and just stared at my Dad's signature. He may be gone physically but he is always with me.
     Two churches have called me pastor through the years. Both Gray Baptist and Greasy Creek Baptist experienced growth during my leadership despite that I had no clue what I was really doing. I was in my twenties. What do you really know at that age?... ha ha.... In both situations, they were running very low numbers when I went there but they witnessed many confessions of Christ as Savior and large amounts of sheep coming back into the fold. God blessed the time in those churches and I will always cherish the time that a group of people called me their pastor.
     However, I have said all that to say this. God has allowed me to be a small part of something really incredible right now. I have been a part of some good churches but Towering Oaks Baptist Church is simply awesome. I did not say perfect. Remember, I go there. That automatically disqualifies them from that status with me as a part of it. However, It is amazing to me how God is working in this place. Our staff is top notch. Tommy Pierce, Johnny Mosley, Dennis Shumate, and just coming on board, Josh Pollock are a great group to work with to bring people to a knowledge of Christ in their lives. The people of the church are welcoming and inviting. Christ is exalted in this place and I am so proud to call Towering Oaks my home.
     This coming Sunday, Christina and I will be launching The Well. The Well will be a small group that devotes itself to a greater knowledge of Christ and His call on our lives. Only God knows the impact this group will have on our community. It is my prayer that Jesus will be a matter of conversation in Greene County, Tennessee and that Towering Oaks Baptist Church will be a leader in exposing Christ to a lost community. I want my children to look back one day and reflect on the church they attended and Towering Oaks will always hold a very special place in their heart regardless of where they are living.

I am John Sowders and I have been to The Well..!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Windshield or Rearview.....??

     I am not recommending this but have you ever looked through the Rear-view mirror in order to drive forward? Think for a moment all the things that could possibly go wrong. The most major would obviously be if the person in front of you decided to stop. Well you know what would happen. I can still hear all the metal crashing together and flying everywhere.
     As crazy as this sounds, we live our lives like this so many times. We can't experience some of the most awesome challenges that God has for us because we are too focused on the past. We spend so much of our time dragging around the baggage of our past that we miss our incredible future. Why do we let the past haunt us? It is over. We cannot change it. If we did wrong and erred in our way, God has already forgiven us it so let it go. That is why Jesus said, "it is finished" on the cross. He dealt with sin once and for all. When I ask Him to forgive me, it is finished once and for all. Living in the past can harm you so let it go.
     Have you ever thought about the difference in size between the rear-view mirror and the windshield? The windshield is much larger indicating to us that what is ahead of us is far more important than what is behind us. I hear what some of you are saying. There have been some great things that took place in your life and you want to remember them. I didn't say the rear-view mirror was useless. There is nothing wrong with looking bad and reminiscing. Just remember not to look too long,
     It's through the windshield that I see what lies ahead. It's where we see new surroundings. We take drives and take in the scenery. It is where I see a new world unfold before me. God has a great plan for each and every one of us. He is waiting to reveal it to us on the road ahead. There is not one place in scripture where God said to look back to see where you're going. He instructed us to look back and remember and recount His presence among His people. However, He never told them to look back so they could see what lie ahead.
     "Forget those things which are behind and press forward....."

I am John Sowders and I have been to The Well.....

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A lesson from Bo......

As I sit here today looking at my border collie named Bo laying under the coffee table on the rug asleep, I can't help but wonder what goes through his mind from time to time. Just a couple of weeks ago Bo was at an animal shelter with an uncertain future. His future possibly included an early death. However, Christina saw him and sought him out, paid to have him released and now his future is bright and enjoyable. He did look sad all locked up in that cage that bound him, for he was made to run on a farm.
     There is something really funny about Bo since we gave him his new life. He doesn't really want to hang out with the other dogs. He wants to be right where his master is on the inside of the home. Though he was born with a nature to run and play, he is very content to lay in the floor at his masters feet.
     I was in that cage once myself. I was bound not by wires but by sin. I was captive to it and death was my certain future. Jesus saw me in that cage and went to the cross to pay my debt. I couldn't pay it myself, just like ole Bo could not get himself out of the situation he was in.
     I find myself with a burning desire to follow in Bo's footsteps and spend my time at the master's feet. I believe Bo knows what we did for him that day and doesn't want spend his day with trivial things but would rather be close to his master. My time in the last few days have been spent doing just that, seeking out my master. My hearts desire is to follow Him wherever He may go. I know what Christ did for me and my life is an expression of my gratitude to Him.
     This isn't easy.... My mind races constantly about where God wants me and how I am supposed to use my gifts that he has given me for His Glory. So, here I am talking to you in an endeavor to find where and how God will use me............
     Master, here I am...........

Monday, May 21, 2012

shhh.... Can you hear that??

     For those of you who have ever lived or stayed in an older home, you will understand what I am talking about. Have you ever just sat with the tv off and maybe very little light on and listened? It is amazing at the noises you hear in an older house when you are listening for it. Your concentration on quietness allows you to hear things that you normally pay no attention to.
     What about sitting on the porch or deck late at night when the rest of the world has seemingly gone to bed. Nature speaks to you on a whole new level. You hear the creation of God so vividly. There is noone talking. Its just you out there listening to what the world has to say. You can hear things from miles away. You can hear a train off in the distance and you don't even live near the railroad tracks. You just sit attentive to the sounds around you.
     It is amazing what you can hear when you're not talking. I heard it said one time that the reason God put our ears on the outside of our head was so that we could listen to Him and not ourselves. That is a little funny but it is so true on so many levels.
     I want you to pause for a just a second and think about your prayer time...... What does your prayer time sound like?..... What are some of the words you use?...... What is the usual purpose of the prayer?.... Okay now I have you sorta thinking about your prayer, let me ask you a deeper question. Is your prayer conversational?...... hmmmm Yes, is it conversational? Are you the one doing all the talking or do you actually take the time to wait and listen for God to talk?.....
     How many times are our prayers filled with situations or people that we are talking to God about? We take the time, though at times briefly, to talk to Him about our needs and wants, but spend very little time waiting to hear what He has to say about it all. By nature, we are poor listeners. Think about the conversations we have with our friends. We say something and then our friend speaks back, but we don't listen to them half the time. While they are talking, we are truly listening. We are thinking about our response. We can't really focus on what they are saying due to the fact that we are occupying our mind with thoughts of rebuttal.
     Our conversations with God aren't even that elaborate. We don't even give Him the time to talk. We say what we gotta say or ask and then we are gone. How much would our lives change if we actually took the time to listen to God. I mean nothing else on your mind meditation. God, you speak for your servants listens..........

I am John Sowders and I am Second..!!!!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

And the Two shall become One....with Christ

     I have spoken on here about many topics of interest. I have shared my heart and passion for Christ. I have dealt with our relationship with Christ on many levels. Today I want to thank God for His providence and foresight. I do not want to take up this space today to discuss the theological aspects of the foreknowledge of God. I am simply going to discuss it on the basis of its truth.
     I want to focus my attention today on one particular area that God knew exactly what I would need and moved in a mighty way to make it come to pass. The area I am speaking of is when God allowed mine and Christina's path to cross. When I think about alot of the things that had to have happened in order for us to be around each other, it is amazing. There were moments in our life where people said yes to things that brought it along. There were times when we were told no that caused a shift or move that brought about other things that put us in the same place. Remember that a no that comes your way may not be a bad thing.
     By her own admission, she will tell you that she pursued me.... Although funny and unbelievable, it is true. We were at a high school basketball game and she walked right up to me in the lobby and struck up a conversation that was very purposeful. I knew when she walked away that we would end up together. I was so convinced that when I went back in and sat down after halftime she stopped and talked to someone else enrout to her seat, I didn't like it. I knew right then I was in love.
     God knew exactly the woman I would need to walk into my life and give me reason for existing again. He knew I would need someone to be patient with me while He was working on me because I would rebel. He created her just for me. When I gave in and surrendered my life and heart to God, He had already prepared her and she was more than ready to devote her life to Christ. I just love her with all my heart. She amazes me everyday with her faith. She is a remarkable woman and I am one very fortunate man.
     Life is full of challenges. Saying yes to God doesn't mean that trouble will not find its way into your life no matter how many times you hear Joel Osteen tell you it won't. Joel Osteen, there is a topic for another day. Anyway I digress, Christina is the love of my life and I couldn't imagine taking one step in this world without her. We grow deeper in our relationship each day due to our relationship with Christ growing deeper each day.
     The two shall become one,,, with Christ.....

I am John Sowders and I am Second...!!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Are we suppose to lay it all down and follow Him?

     Many years ago, My father-in-law decided we needed to fence the mountain off in case we wanted to just turn some of the rougher stock up on the hill. Just so you know, when I said we, it meant me. When Christina and I first got together, he wouldn't let me help him do anything, but it didn't take him too long to out grow that feeling. He and I were going to walk up on the hill and he was going to show me where to fence. I carried some fence and posts up the hill while we were going. After a little while, the hill was getting steep and I wouldn't be able to stay with him cause the load I was carrying was slowing me down. John couldn't speak cause he lost his voicebox to cancer but he wrote me a note and told me to lay that stuff down and come on. I was able to stay with him stride for stride now because I didn't have anything with me to slow me down. You know how it is too, you are constantly stopping and having to readjust.
     It was amazing how much more focused I was on the mountains and the scenery as we traveled up the steep hill. Before I laid down the fencing and posts, I was concerned with my load and was constantly thinking how much farther until we get there. I was just enjoying the walk with John now because that's all I had to think about.
     I wonder how much of our life is like that with God. We go through life and it seems that we use to have or place importance upon has disappeared. Some of the things we lose is welcomed while there some things we have to give up that we question. We worked hard for that now its gone. I use to be able to do that but money is tight now so I have limit some activities. However, what if it was going to be a burden to us while we are following God to where He is taking us. Was it something I was going to constantly have to readjust? Was it going to be something that would take my eye off the journey?
     I wonder if God sometimes treats us just like John did me that day. Lay it down and come on with me. I hate to lose things. I hate to feel like I am losing some things that I really enjoy, but Jesus said take up your cross and follow me. Does following Jesus mean that I have to give some things up. Most certainly it does. We are told to lay aside the sin that does so easily beset us in Hebrews so that we may run the race with endurance. I know when I laid down the fencing and posts, my endurance went up tremendously.
     I know it may be difficult when your world may seem to be crumbling all around you, but just remember that God may be getting rid of some things that will keep you from seeing His glory. I know when John and I made it to the top of the mountain, it was the most beautiful view in all the world. Just think about the view that God wants to show us when we get there.......

I am John Sowders and I am Second..!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Wonder of Wonders........

     This world is definitely filled with many beautiful things. God certainly created many things for our eyes to be amazed by. Back near my hometown is Corbin, Kentucky. Tucked away just outside of Corbin is a placed called Cumberland Falls. It is a place were the Cumberland River drops around 120 feet. The Falls claims to have the ability to see a moonbow. There are only two in the whole world. The Cumberland Falls is an awesome sight nestled in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. Placed there by the hand of an awesome God.
     I will never forget the tremendous feeling I had the first time I went on a cruise to the Bahamas. The islands and the sites meant nothing to me in comparison to the idea of standing on the ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and not seeing land. Its one thing to see the ocean from the beach, its another to be in that ocean and not be able to see land. It leaves you with a feeling of awe.
     However, none of these sights compares to Jesus. Jesus is the Wonder of Wonders. The very Son of God. God taking on flesh and walking among us. Leaving the portals of glory to visit us where we live. He came to our communities and visited our people. What an amazing reality.....
     Here is a group that I grew up listening to reminding us of The Wonder of Wonders....... The Inspiration Quartet from Bryson City, North Carolina..

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Whatever it takes....... do you believe that??

     Years ago I was fortunate to be the basketball coach to a very good group of young men. We experienced a lot of great times together. We went on many trips around the state playing basketball. We enjoyed success together as a unit. We set goals at the beginning of the year and worked hard to accomplish those goals. The last I coached we set high goals. We wanted to go undefeated in our conference. We adopted a motto for the year which was "whatever it takes". We had to play hard and practice harder in order to achieve this goal. The team was willing to do whatever it took to accomplish this goal. We played more games and played in more tournaments than we had ever played in that year. The team went undefeated in conference play. When we entered the year-end conference tournament, we printed shirts that claimed us as champions before we ever played a game. We took the chance and paid the price for the goal we wanted to accomplish. Some saw this as arrogance, I saw it as motivation. We began with the end in mind. If we are champions, we will play like champions. The boys went out in style winning the conference and tournament title going undefeated in our conference. The team bought into the system of "whatever it takes".
     In the Gospel of Mark, we run into four people who understood the concept of "whatever it takes". They come across a paralyzed man who needed healing so they decided to carry him to Jesus. When they get to where Jesus was at, there was a huge crowd. Had that been us, we may have given up or decided to come back for the evening service cause we know there is a smaller crowd in the evening service. However, these men saw the need to get this man to Jesus whatever it took. They take him up on the roof and tear a portion of the roof off and lower him down to Jesus. Consequently, Jesus touched him and healed. The man was never the same due to his encounter with the Son of God.
     What about us? Is "whatever it takes" our motto for bringing people to Jesus? Maybe you are lost in calculating the cost. Maybe the thoughts of tearing off the roof seems too extreme. Can we really reach the lost for Christ with hesitations and limits. Some people have for years put limitations on the call to reach out to the community the church is sitting in. That church is there for a reason. The reason is to equip the saints and evangelize the lost. That is where it starts and stops. Many people in our churches today feels that their spiritual gift is to explain all the reasons why we can't afford to do something. What they don't understand is that their spiritual gift must be tying the hands of God. In Mark chapter 6, Mark tells of Jesus' trip to Nazareth. The majority of the people tied the hand of God. They said is this not the son of Mary which was a slur toward Jesus while a minority said It healed others maybe He can do the same for me.
     Which group do you fall? Don't tie the hands of God with doubt and unbelief. We serve the true and awesome God of this universe not the God of limitations. That would be Satan's title.

I am John Sowders and I am Second..!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

What is your Preference??

     We all have preferences in our lives. When we are car shopping, there are so many choices out there for us to choose from it gets overwhelming. We have our preferences though that the car must have or not have. When we plan for our vacation time, we have preferences. Some peoples idea of a vacation is being at home relaxing because their job always has them on the road while others don't feel they have been on vacation if they don't see lots and lots of water. We always demonstrate our preferences in our daily life. The music we listen to and the places we eat are all chosen from our preferences.
     God has placed within us free will. He gave us the ability to make choices. He doesn't dictate to us like a grumpy tyrant. He allows us the freedom to make choices about all things. It's the way we are created. With this in mind, I believe there are so many people today that takes the decision about eternal life very lightly. There are some who choose not to accept Christ as their Savior because they do not see the need for it. Then there is the group who says they have accepted Christ as Savior but their daily preferences does raise questions . When you look at someones preferences, you get to the heart of that individual. If you take a glance at a person's daily choices, you know what is important to them. I want to speak to us who claim Christ as our Savior. Think about your daily routine...... What does it involve? Who does it involve? What do you prefer to use up your time with? One does have to wonder the level of priority we place on our relationship with Jesus.  Most people who claim Christ as their Savior only touches their Bible to carry it to church. Prayer is a crutch that used only in the time of need, rarely ever used as a moment of praise. Prayer is not a cute little reference for someone on Facebook. We are talking to the God of this universe. Going out visiting or witnessing is out of the question. After all, God didn't call me to do that nor did he give me the gift of gab. Isn't that what we pay the preacher for? oh and by the way, I really don't think God is impressed with our every once in a while reference to Him on Facebook either. He knows our hearts.
     What is your preference? In Matthew 13:44, Jesus tells us a parable about the man who found a treasure. He hid the treasure and went into town and sold all his belongings in order to buy the land that has the treasure. Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is like that treasure. We should be willing to give up everything to pursue the treasure. Let's not even get to the point of everything. Let's discuss the idea of what is one thing you have given up in order to follow Christ more closely. We should desire God just like this man desired the treasure. Its not so much that you have to give it up as much as it doesn't mean that much to you as compared to your relationship with Christ.
     In the movie, "Oh brother where art thou" there is a seen that one instructs another to "do not seek the treasure" well I am challenging you to seek the treasure. We should want it so bad that nothing else matters.

I am John Sowders and I am Second

Friday, May 11, 2012

Do you believe......??

     I was taught in college, a few days ago, LOL, about all the things that the christian church had wrong in its interpretation of scripture. All myths and religions in the world has a global destruction. The story of the flood is no exception. It is merely a myth like all the others. God parting the Red Sea is ridiculous. The Israelites came through the Reed Sea which was a shallow swamp. As others have, I have always asked, either way which one is the greater miracle? That the Israelites came across dry ground through the Red Sea or that the Egyptian Army drown in a shallow swamp. When I was in the class, I use to want to talk to him about coming to know Jesus as his savior. I use to always wonder who did him so wrong that he is that sour on God but yet teach an Old Testament class. However, as the years have come and gone, I have thought many times about the man who challenged everything I was taught in Sunday School. I use to get so mad at him but he challenged me and I able today to know what I believe because of what the Bible says not merely what a person taught me.
     Christina was watching a video tweet from John Piper. Piper was asked in the video why he believed that the Bible was completely true. His response was very simple. Piper said he believed it all because that is what his mamma said. I found that funny. Although I do not side with Piper on all Biblical issues, I do find his writings important to anyone who seeks to serve the Lord.
     Pause for a second and think about the stories we use to teach our children about the importance of having a solid foundation in a life lived with Christ. The easy one is the song we sing about building our house upon the rock instead of sinking sand. Our two year daughter, Reese, has been singing that song to her mommy. In addition to that song, we use another story to teach the same truth but we don't realize it. What about the story of the three little pigs. First one builds his house out of straw and the big bad wolf blows it down. The second pig builds his house out of sticks and the wolf blows it down, but the third pig built his house out of solid rock. When the big bad wolf blew against it, it stood firm and made the wolf mad. Our lives built upon the truth of Jesus cannot be taken away or devoured by Satan.
      Do you know what you believe? I pray that you believe in Jesus and accept him as Savior and Lord.
listen to Mac Powell of Third Day and Brandon Heath sing, "The Creed"....

I am John Sowders and I am Second...!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Great Reminders.....

     Maybe you are like me and no matter how hard you try, you forget somethings from time to time. Remember when people use to tie a string around their wrist or finger to remind them that they need to remember something. Well that didn't work for me I would forget why I tied it there. You may have had moments like when you leave one room to go to another to do something. Somebody asks you a question while you're walking and the next thing you know, you're standing in the middle of a room with no clue why you're there. just think how much money Post It has made off of those cute little sticky notes. A simple piece of paper with a sticky edge to place on anything, anywhere to remind us of almost anything.
     Well my sticky note yesterday came in the form of my beautiful wife. She reminded me of the awesomeness of God's Word. She shared with me how reading books are great but there is nothing compared to opening up the scripture and reading it. She shared with me how she had thrown her highlighter in her Bible and when she went back to open the Bible up, it was in Hebrews. A conversation ensued about Abraham and Isaac. We shared and talked for a while about what really took place on that mountain. We got to talk about the intention of the heart and God's faithfulness to the faithful.
     I continued my reading in the book of Hebrews this morning. God reminded of a verse that I had marked in my Bible from years ago. Hebrews 13:6, "We can confidently say, The Lord is my helper and I will NOT be afraid". Isn't God's word awesome!!!! He is our great helper. He is a very present help in time of trouble. Our God is an awesome God, He reigns.......
     What to do with this sticky note reminder:
1. Don't get so busy reading about God that you don't read from God
2. Don't forget how awesome it is to share and discuss scripture with you spouse.
3. Don't forget God is with you today,,, take Him along

I am John Sowders and I Second,,!!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Race..........

     So much work has gone into it. The time spent in the preparation. The purchasing of equipment. Have you ever been to a barrel race? Three barrels set up in an arena so that a horse and rider can make a clover leaf pattern. They have a laser timer set up to clock each run so we can determine the fastest time around the pattern. Do you have the right horse? Can the rider get with the horse? There are so many questions and so many variables. However, the right rider and the right horse will work very diligently to be ready for that moment, The Race. There is nothing no more disappointing than to go through all that hard work and not be ready for the race.
     What about you? Are you ready for the race? In the book of Hebrews, we are challenged to run the race without hindrances. We are to lay aside those items that encumber us. Wait a minute you say. Hold the farm. What race are you talking about? The Race of all races. The race for the cause of Christ. The race to take the gospel to our neighborhood, to our world. Have you been preparing? If not, what is the thing that sin that easily besets you? What is it that has such a grip on you that it hinders you from even joining in on the race much less running it with success.
     Oh that race, I have ran in that race before. I tried to run in it but my legs got tired. I gave it my best shot but I lost my breath and I just couldn't keep going. I was in a crowd and my shoe came untied. I was trying to run along side some people I thought were good and we bumped elbows so I just gave up. May I suggest it was not the legs, the shoe strings, nor even the knocking of elbows that caused you to get out of the race. It was your heart. When your heart isn't in it, you look for reasons to quit or to get out. You didn't have the passion for it.
     I want to encourage you to allow your heart to regain its vigor toward what it the most important race you will ever run in. In order to do so, you have to get prepared. It takes time to be ready. You don't just walk out of the house one day and take off running. You have to prepare. You must spend time in God's word. You must be in a spirit of prayer and communicate with the very God of this universe. You must be consumed with His mission of reaching the lost for Christ. It doesn't take long at a barrel race to know who has spent time during the week with their horse. You find out who has practiced and had worked on that moment when their name is called. The Christian race is the same. You can tell who has spent time with God or to whom it is only a passing phase.
     Some people run as a hobby while others run for a race. They run so they can win a race. Is your run for Christ a hobby or is it truly a race? The shoes are different. The clothes are different. You can tell who just wants to run for themselves or who is running for a greater cause or purpose. Hobby or Race? Hebrews 12:1, " Let us run the Race with endurance the rest that has been set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and the perfecter of our faith"

I am John Sowders and I am Second...!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Don't hide it,,,, get rid of it..

     While we lived in Kentucky, we went many times to the fairgrounds in Louisville, KY. The fairgrounds in Louisville was the home of two arenas, Freedom Hall and Broadbent Arena. Freedom Hall was obviously home of the Louisville Cardinals basketball team for many years. Anyway, we used those two location arenas for Quarter Horse barrel racing. While we were there, I would drive by Churchill Downs many times. Although Christina has always wanted to go, we have never made the trip to Louisville for The Kentucky Derby.
     As many of you may have watched this past weekend, the Derby ran and the splendor of it all was captured on video and broadcast to millions of people. The beautiful twin spires standing in the sun. All the women dressed and adorned in their hats. The men in their finely tailored suits. The infield buzzing with excitement waiting for that moment when the call come from Coach Calipari for the jockey's to mount their horse.
     However, if you have actually ever been to Churchill Downs, you know there is a part of it that no one mentions in polite society. Its the back street of The Downs. This street is covered with broken down old homes and shacks. It also has Jockey quarters along the back street. This isn't a place of splendor or glory. There is no majestic feel as you drive down this street. Its the side of Churchill Downs that no one wants you to see or even know about. While its pretty and easy on the eyes on the front, it is despicable and ugly on the back.
     How about us? Do we go through this life like we are the Churchill Downs of living? We put forth this persona that everything okay. We put make-up on and dress our hair as we walk out into the world to demonstrate to them how together we are. Yet, on the inside we know we are falling apart. We take that last minute look at our hair and straighten our jacket as we exit our home to go into this world that we are trying to make better, but on the inside, we actually need the help ourselves.
     There is only one place we can find help for the inside and that is with Jesus Christ. I have to come to grips with the need for change. I have to realize that I need some fixing up on the inside. I have to swallow pride and recognize that I can never fix it myself. I know what you're saying. You have always been able to solve your own problems. You have lived on your own since you were three and you walked to school up hill both ways in a foot of snow with no shoes. I get you're tough, but you don't have what it takes to solve this. This is a sin problem. Jesus is the ONLY one who can deal with your sin problem. It's okay, you're not alone. We have all been there. I was a mess on the inside, but Jesus took all of that away.

I am John Sowders and I am Second..!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Just how busy can we keep Him?

     I have always heard the saying growing up that "idleness is the work of the devil". I am sure you have heard that too. I know from growing up and then from raising kids of my own that if you don't have something to do you will make up something to occupy your time. It is during these trivial moments that we have gotten into the most trouble. Idle time does do something to us. I can see now why dad was always coming up with things for me to do.
     Think about our spiritual life and how we have become so passive about our commitment to Christ. We sit by and allow other things to preoccupy our thoughts and actions. This idle time is the work of the devil. Satan is so good at bringing us to a point of comfort and contentment. Some of you may say, I am not idle, I go to church every time the doors are open. You fill your life with activity. This good activity but is it the best activity. However, for most it is "not doing anything" that has consumed your time.
     Lets pause for a moment and think about the difference we could make if we made a commitment to consume ourselves with the movement of God. We say with words we would like to have revival at our church. We utter the words that we are concerned about the world dying lost, but does it consume us. Is it something so important us that we can't get up off our knees. We are constantly talking to God about someone or about Him moving in a mighty way in the church you attend. We set intentional times in our week or month that we fast before God. We make a commitment to meet with others just to pray and fast. We join with them to hold each other accountable to each other and God.
     God is waiting....... If we don't find something for Him to do, He will go and work somewhere else.
Isaiah said, "You who call on the Lord,give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest til He establishes Jerusalem"... Wow!!! May it be our attitude that we are not going to allow God to rest. May our prayers and fasting keeps God so busy moving on the hearts of the lost people around us. We will be able to accomplish what God has called us to do, make disciples.
     Just how busy can we keep him?

I am John Sowders and I am Secod..!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Come to the Well......

     When I was in school, I played football. I can remember those hot summer days when we would practice twice a day. You would get so hot and thirsty. When the coach would half way show a heart and let you get a drink of water, it helped but made it worse all at the same time. The water was the greatest thing in the world but once you got that first drink, you wanted another drink in 5 minutes. I was thirsty and the water just didn't satisfy I thirst. Perhaps you didn't play ball and don't really know how that feels, but you have drank a glass of orange juice and the juice made you thirsty so you had to drink something else. Okay, okay,,, I get it none of this applies to you so I will pull out the big gun. When I go to Long John Silvers, I cannot get enough to drink. I mean I need it in a tube just shooting straight into me. There is something about the grease they use or something. Especially if you eat some of the crumbs, you will die of thirst all day and no matter what you drink, nothing satisfies or quenches your thirst.
     Our lives in the middle of this world is just like that. Even when you think you have found something to satisfy, you eventually find out that it left a void. You search and search but you still feel empty on the inside. We chase dreams and have ambitions and there is nothing wrong with having dreams, but the dream itself will leave you empty and hollow. This world will leave you high and dry in a moments notice.
     This is where I invite you to come to The Well. The Well that will never run dry or leave you standing alone and thirsty. Jesus came to a woman near Sychar at Jacob's Well. He discussed with her about her past and then talked with her about her future. He told her if she drank from the water from this well she was at, she would thirst again, but if she drank from Him, she would never thirst again. Jesus knew her whole story but yet He met her where she was and how she was. You don't have to fix things before you come to Jesus. Just simply come as you are to The Well.
I am John Sowders and I am Second..!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Its the Gospel.....

This morning I have overwhelming burden for a friend of mine who has a sister that needs to know Jesus as Savior. What do you do with your family member that does not know Jesus as Savior? It is the most difficult thing in the world to witness to your own family. However, we are called and commanded to do it. It comes with challenges beyond our comprehension sometimes. Many times you were brought up in the same household. How could some of us accept but one not. This one area of my life I am blessed beyond measure. My mom and dad raised us in church. They taught us to serve Jesus. They showed us it was important to offer the love of Jesus through his church. Today, all five of us are committed christian's and attend church and its activities regulary. My oldest brother pastor's Mill Creek Baptist Church in Bell County Ky. As I have said, I am blessed that my family calls Jesus Savior.
     However, not all of you are so lucky and witnessing to them can be a challenge. This where the community around you comes into play. You may be like me on this day were you don't have to worry about your siblings. You may not even have a brother or sister, but someone else does. That someone else's sister needs to know Jesus and we may very well be the one that extends Jesus to them and they accept. 94% of confessing Christians has never led a single person to knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior. This information tells me one of two things; people who are Christians are not taking the Great Commandment seriously or people have deceived themselves into thinking they are Christians when they are not.
     There are people in this world that is lost without Jesus Christ. It is our responsibility to share with them the gospel. We are commanded to share with them the good news found in Jesus Christ. This call should cause us to lose sleep at times. Their lostness should be on the forefront of our mind. I am not talking about inviting people to church. Although inviting someone to church is important. The most important thing for me to do first is to point them to Jesus as Savior. When was the last time you couldn't eat a meal because you had someone on your mind that was lost?
     Today I leave convicted....... I hope that I have the courage to speak to your brother or sister today...

I am John Sowders and I am Second..!!!