Monday, April 30, 2012

Approval rating is overrated........

     A long time ago when my nephew was young and hopefully didn't know any better. He had a boy that lived beside him they called JW. JW wanted my nephew's attention so bad he would do anything for him. One day Jamie took advantage of this. They were standing near the neighborhood creek when Jamie said to JW, I bet you can't jump over this creek. The most infamous words then ensued. I bet you I can Jamie Sowders. That boy tried to jump that creek I don't know how many times, but each time he would land right in the middle of the water. His soaked clothes was a reminder of just how far people will go to win your approval.
     Peter was someone who was always trying to get the attention and approval of Jesus. There have been many critics of Peter. However, Peter redeemed himself in being a faithful follower of Jesus. He may have gotten his mouth out in front of his brain a few times, but his heart was right. He simply wanted the approval of Jesus.
     A remarkable story of approval comes in the book Acts when a man named Stephen was preaching about Jesus. As usual, this was upsetting to the Jews. When they began to get angry with Stephen, He looked up into Heaven and saw Jesus standing at the right hand side God. This is the only time in the Bible were it describes Jesus Standing. Everywhere else depicts Him as seated at the right hand of the Father. However, he must have been so pleased with Stephen that He stood up.
     We seek the approval of so many people in life for various reasons but wouldn't it make more sense to seek out the approval of God. Max Lucado, many years ago, wrote a book entitled "The Applause from Heaven". The book about is us seeking out to please God so much that it would warrant the applause of Heaven. What could we do today that gain the applause of heaven? Moreover, What could we do to cause Jesus to stand up?

I am John Sowders and I am Second...!!!

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