Wednesday, April 11, 2012

We must make the first move.....

     How many times have we been in a situation where we needed something from God? Not just something, we needed something supernatural. You know one of those moments where if it was going to happen, it was going to come from God. What did you do? Did you just wait patiently on God to answer that prayer or did you try to figure it all out by yourself? I believe there are a couple of events in scripture that teaches us what to do. I find in scripture where God is waiting on us to demonstrate true faith in Him and then He will move in a mighty way. In both examples I am going to share, God could have done it all but He gave man the opportunity to demonstrate their faith.
     Moses had died and Joshua was now leading God's people toward the promised land. They are standing on the banks of the Jordan River and they are needing to go over but how will they do it. God instructed them to carry the Ark of the Covenant into the water first and then He would part the river so they could walk across. Could you imagine looking at that moving water and then having the faith to step in, but when they did what they could do, God did what what only He could do and moved the water back so they could cross. God could have parted the water without them but He wanted to see their faith.
     Martha had sent word to Jesus that her brother Lazarus was sick and she wanted Him to come heal him. By the time Jesus got there, Lazarus had already died and they had buried him. Martha cried to Jesus and told Him that He was too late. Jesus knew better than that. He told His disciples to roll the stone away from Lazarus' tomb. When they had removed the stone, Jesus called for Lazarus to come forth and he did. Lazarus walked out of the tomb alive and well. We must understand this important truth. If Jesus could call a dead man to life, He could definitely move a stone out of the way. Jesus could have suspended the stone in mid air if He wanted to but He chose to let the disciples do what they could do and then He would do what only He could do.
     Don't forget we serve a supernatural God with supernatural powers, but He may be waiting on us to make the first move. Go ahead, make that first move of faith. It may unleash a supernatural movement of God. The Israelites carrying the Ark didn't want to step into the moving water. Martha wanted Jesus to come while Lazarus was just sick and heal him. However, God had a different plan, but in both circumstances, what God did was far greater than what they could have imagined. Your movement may not come the way you want it but just step aside and watch God use your faith to do something awesome!!!

I am John Sowders and I am Second..!!!!

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