I have a good friend who was going along her peaceful little life. She seemed to have it all together. As I am I sure with everyone, a few bumps along the way, but everything kind of the way she had hoped and dreamed of. Then it happened. In her own words, Jesus wrecked her life. Don't take this wrong she means it in a good way. Jesus took her little world that she was perfectly content with and turned it upside down. Jesus made a wreck of her lifelong dreams and showed her and her husband the plan He had. All it took for God to show them His plan was one trip to Haiti then it was all she wrote. That trip opened their eyes to a whole new way of seeing things. God used that trip to show them He would use them there. They are serving an orphanage as missionaries and also started a ministry to help those orphan children. I am so glad that God offered me the opportunity to become a child of God. Thank you Bruce and Dee Wilson for hearing and following the call to be followers of Him.
Isn't it amazing how we get out ahead of God and start making our plans then we sit back and pray for God to bless it. In case you haven't noticed, He is God and He knows what he is doing. We should ask Him where it is that He would have us go. If we go His direction and follow His plan, He is sure to bless it.
Think about the woman at Sychar who was at the well when Jesus came by and told her everything about her. Jesus wrecked her world and she was never the same. What about Matthew the tax collector? He had an encounter with Jesus and he was never the same. Jesus wrecked his world. What about John? He was a fisherman trying his best to earn a living for his family. Then it happened. Jesus wrecked his world and turned it upside down.
May this be our prayer that Jesus wrecks our lives. He comes in and alters everything. I know some of you will say slow down just a little. I mean I go to church two and three times a week. I am doing just about all I can do. Really? All you can do? We accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord. You cannot divide those two offices. There is no such thing as partial obedience. Partial disobedience is complete disobedience. If you go to church that often, I know you have stood in the church and sang, "I surrender all" and "have thine own way Lord". Take that step of faith and mean it.
Let Jesus wreck your life. Go ahead I dare you........
I am John Sowders and I am Second...!!!
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