Friday, April 20, 2012

Shouldn't this go away?

     Remember the day you realized you were madly in love with that special person. You were just crazy about that person. Your mind is consumed by them. However, no matter how much you fell madly in love with them, it did not really change your situation nor your circumstance. When you dropped them off at their house and went on your way, there were still things in your life that you had to deal with. No matter how much you loved that person, some of the bad in your life that was bringing you down was still right there looking you in the face.
     Many times we have forgotten this simple truth when it comes to our relationship with Jesus Christ. How many times have you dealt with a situation and you said well I know what I must do, I must get closer to God. I have to spend more time with my Savior. Consequently, the problem doesn't go away and in some cases it may have even have gotten worse. Contrary to some false teachers out there, following Jesus does not make all your troubles go away. It doesn't instantly make you a millionaire and your sickness immediately disappears.
     Following Jesus closely may even get you into trouble. Just ask Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Submitting to the God and His supreme will put them into a Firey Furnace, but it was in that furnace they saw God remarkably go through it with them. God didn't take them out but He went through it with them. Daniel was thrown into a den of lions and came out unarmed. Paul found himself in prison many times. Peter was crucified upside down.
     Falling in love with Jesus and turning your life over to him may not bring the results you are looking for if you are looking for an escape from trouble and pain. I know many people today may be going through many different situations. Maybe someone is close to losing a job and the hope of finding another one appears dim. Someone may have a child that is in rebellion and there is no explanation why. Possibly you have lost a loved one and no matter when it was, this week has been difficult thinking about them being gone. Death is a natural part of this world and there is no escaping its ugly grip. However, there is the hope of seeing them again one day in the presence of a loving God.
     Trials and troubles may be a total disruption from the devil. This week has been one of those moments for me. God is opening so many doors for Christina and I to minister and the more doors are opened the harder Satan has tried to disrupt our focus. Satan I am so sorry for your loss today..... Na na na boo boo...... LOL...sorry about that but I love rubbing it in his face. Allow God to be present in your trials and understand it may also be coming from Satan. Use these moments to glory in God and His son Jesus.
I am John Sowders and I am Second...!!!!

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