Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Its the Gospel.....

This morning I have overwhelming burden for a friend of mine who has a sister that needs to know Jesus as Savior. What do you do with your family member that does not know Jesus as Savior? It is the most difficult thing in the world to witness to your own family. However, we are called and commanded to do it. It comes with challenges beyond our comprehension sometimes. Many times you were brought up in the same household. How could some of us accept but one not. This one area of my life I am blessed beyond measure. My mom and dad raised us in church. They taught us to serve Jesus. They showed us it was important to offer the love of Jesus through his church. Today, all five of us are committed christian's and attend church and its activities regulary. My oldest brother pastor's Mill Creek Baptist Church in Bell County Ky. As I have said, I am blessed that my family calls Jesus Savior.
     However, not all of you are so lucky and witnessing to them can be a challenge. This where the community around you comes into play. You may be like me on this day were you don't have to worry about your siblings. You may not even have a brother or sister, but someone else does. That someone else's sister needs to know Jesus and we may very well be the one that extends Jesus to them and they accept. 94% of confessing Christians has never led a single person to knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior. This information tells me one of two things; people who are Christians are not taking the Great Commandment seriously or people have deceived themselves into thinking they are Christians when they are not.
     There are people in this world that is lost without Jesus Christ. It is our responsibility to share with them the gospel. We are commanded to share with them the good news found in Jesus Christ. This call should cause us to lose sleep at times. Their lostness should be on the forefront of our mind. I am not talking about inviting people to church. Although inviting someone to church is important. The most important thing for me to do first is to point them to Jesus as Savior. When was the last time you couldn't eat a meal because you had someone on your mind that was lost?
     Today I leave convicted....... I hope that I have the courage to speak to your brother or sister today...

I am John Sowders and I am Second..!!!

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