Friday, May 11, 2012

Do you believe......??

     I was taught in college, a few days ago, LOL, about all the things that the christian church had wrong in its interpretation of scripture. All myths and religions in the world has a global destruction. The story of the flood is no exception. It is merely a myth like all the others. God parting the Red Sea is ridiculous. The Israelites came through the Reed Sea which was a shallow swamp. As others have, I have always asked, either way which one is the greater miracle? That the Israelites came across dry ground through the Red Sea or that the Egyptian Army drown in a shallow swamp. When I was in the class, I use to want to talk to him about coming to know Jesus as his savior. I use to always wonder who did him so wrong that he is that sour on God but yet teach an Old Testament class. However, as the years have come and gone, I have thought many times about the man who challenged everything I was taught in Sunday School. I use to get so mad at him but he challenged me and I able today to know what I believe because of what the Bible says not merely what a person taught me.
     Christina was watching a video tweet from John Piper. Piper was asked in the video why he believed that the Bible was completely true. His response was very simple. Piper said he believed it all because that is what his mamma said. I found that funny. Although I do not side with Piper on all Biblical issues, I do find his writings important to anyone who seeks to serve the Lord.
     Pause for a second and think about the stories we use to teach our children about the importance of having a solid foundation in a life lived with Christ. The easy one is the song we sing about building our house upon the rock instead of sinking sand. Our two year daughter, Reese, has been singing that song to her mommy. In addition to that song, we use another story to teach the same truth but we don't realize it. What about the story of the three little pigs. First one builds his house out of straw and the big bad wolf blows it down. The second pig builds his house out of sticks and the wolf blows it down, but the third pig built his house out of solid rock. When the big bad wolf blew against it, it stood firm and made the wolf mad. Our lives built upon the truth of Jesus cannot be taken away or devoured by Satan.
      Do you know what you believe? I pray that you believe in Jesus and accept him as Savior and Lord.
listen to Mac Powell of Third Day and Brandon Heath sing, "The Creed"....

I am John Sowders and I am Second...!!!!

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