We all have preferences in our lives. When we are car shopping, there are so many choices out there for us to choose from it gets overwhelming. We have our preferences though that the car must have or not have. When we plan for our vacation time, we have preferences. Some peoples idea of a vacation is being at home relaxing because their job always has them on the road while others don't feel they have been on vacation if they don't see lots and lots of water. We always demonstrate our preferences in our daily life. The music we listen to and the places we eat are all chosen from our preferences.
God has placed within us free will. He gave us the ability to make choices. He doesn't dictate to us like a grumpy tyrant. He allows us the freedom to make choices about all things. It's the way we are created. With this in mind, I believe there are so many people today that takes the decision about eternal life very lightly. There are some who choose not to accept Christ as their Savior because they do not see the need for it. Then there is the group who says they have accepted Christ as Savior but their daily preferences does raise questions . When you look at someones preferences, you get to the heart of that individual. If you take a glance at a person's daily choices, you know what is important to them. I want to speak to us who claim Christ as our Savior. Think about your daily routine...... What does it involve? Who does it involve? What do you prefer to use up your time with? One does have to wonder the level of priority we place on our relationship with Jesus. Most people who claim Christ as their Savior only touches their Bible to carry it to church. Prayer is a crutch that used only in the time of need, rarely ever used as a moment of praise. Prayer is not a cute little reference for someone on Facebook. We are talking to the God of this universe. Going out visiting or witnessing is out of the question. After all, God didn't call me to do that nor did he give me the gift of gab. Isn't that what we pay the preacher for? oh and by the way, I really don't think God is impressed with our every once in a while reference to Him on Facebook either. He knows our hearts.
What is your preference? In Matthew 13:44, Jesus tells us a parable about the man who found a treasure. He hid the treasure and went into town and sold all his belongings in order to buy the land that has the treasure. Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is like that treasure. We should be willing to give up everything to pursue the treasure. Let's not even get to the point of everything. Let's discuss the idea of what is one thing you have given up in order to follow Christ more closely. We should desire God just like this man desired the treasure. Its not so much that you have to give it up as much as it doesn't mean that much to you as compared to your relationship with Christ.
In the movie, "Oh brother where art thou" there is a seen that one instructs another to "do not seek the treasure" well I am challenging you to seek the treasure. We should want it so bad that nothing else matters.
I am John Sowders and I am Second
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