When early Christians set out to choose a symbol that would represent our faith, they had before them spectrum of choices. They all could have been a great choice. They could have chosen a boat because many of Jesus' encounters were on the water with a boat. He pushed away from the shore and stood on a boat to teach the multitudes so the water would amplify His voice. They could have used a round stone to symbolize our faith. The stone that was rolled away from Lazarus' tomb and Christ called him forth from the grave. Jesus arose from the grave and rolled the stone away. They could have chosen a shepherds staff for Jesus is our good shepherd who watches over and cares for His flock.
However, they did not choose a boat, a stone, nor a staff. They chose the cross. That picture of two wooden post put together at a 90 degree angle. The cross where Jesus stretched forth His hands and feet and allowed them to nail Him to it. The cross was the most cruel form of punishment. Crucifixion was borrowed from the Persians and perfected by the Romans. Only the cruelest of prisoners were crucified, but out between two ardent criminals Jesus died for our sin. Wow............The cross
When Paul wrote to the church in Corinth he said this about the cross, " For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." Many people scoff at the cross. You mean to tell me amidst all the modern day technology and explorations the most significant thing to happen in history is a Jew being put to death outside the ancient walls of Jerusalem. Foolishness is what they say. The Greek word used here for foolish is Moriah were we get the word Moronic. They actually believe we are a moron for believing in the cross, but remember what Paul also said in the same passage, " the foolishness of God is wiser than Man, and the weakness of God is stronger than man".
People may look at the cross and see weakness, but I look at cross and see POWER!!!!!!!! Aren't you glad that they chose for our symbol of Faith, the cross.....
I am John Sowders and I am Second...!!!!!
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