Years ago, Christina and I were moving out of our home in a subdivision to be able to be out on the farm. We also wanted to be closer to her dad. We decided to look into buying a modular home since it wouldn't take as long and have you seen them these days. While we were shopping for one, I asked one of the salesman which kind he he lived in and he told me he didn't that he lived in a two story brick home. Do you not believe in the product you're selling was my thought.
What about the guy who sells Ford trucks for a living but drives a GMC truck to work. What if you had a friend that works for Pepsi and you are at his house one evening and he offers you something to drink and his choices include Coke and Sprite. Wouldn't that seem a little odd you?
Think about it for a second.... Would it seem a little deceiving? I mean after all how can you really sell one thing but use something else? Would this borderline on lying?
Hmmmmmmmmm, interesting thought.... Think about us sometimes..... We walk into church and we put on this stigma, this character, but then what people saw on Sunday and what they see on Tuesday is completely different. This causes the consumer to be confused. The world shakes it's head at us and wonders what is real. Which is the most real, Sunday or Tuesday? For far too many of us, Tuesday is what is real. There is no put on or show. This is us......... How can we change this if we are to reach a lost and dying world?
I feel you got to want to change. You got to want to be real and genuine.
Let me leave you with a thought to ponder today. Remember the church at Laodicea in the Revelation. God said they were neither cold nor hot. That church made God sick and He said he would spew them out of His mouth. If we believe in the eternal security of the believer and I do, then one must ask the question, is this church a genuine church or an imposter, a pretender of sorts. Are they really a part of God's family of believers?
If we have no real desire to live out the christian faith and Sunday church is merely a habit or obligation, are we really a part of the family of God or merely an imposter, a pretender of sorts. Let us challenge ourselves to day to seek out where our heart really lies. Are we real?
I am John Sowders and I am Second..!!!!!
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