Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Is this the way its suppose to be.....???

     Have you ever felt like God was asking you to do something? You're trying to do what he asked but things aren't going the way you had it pictured in your head. Maybe you felt the call into full time ministry or maybe you simply felt God bidding you to talk to someone about Christ. He could have been asking you to extend a helping hand to a friend. He asked you to do something good, even Godly, but even in the midst of doing the right thing, we put our own spin on how this is all going to go down. When it doesn't work out the way we had planned in our head, We raise questions.......
     Have you felt like God left you somewhere all alone? God you brought me here, what is going on? The moment in ones life that no matter how many people are around you, you feel by yourself. I don't think there isn't a person alive who hasn't felt like this a time or two. We raise questions....
     Have you ever felt like the world was turning against you? There are two ways of looking at this, two sides to a coin if you will. On one side, there are people we don't necessarily know that may rise up in opposition to us. Their purpose and reasoning is beyond us. We simply cannot fathom why this is happening. However, its the other side of the coin that haunts us. When people who are suppose to be our dearest friends opposes us or mocks what we are trying to do. Stepping out in faith to follow God does bring a wide range wall of opposition. We raise questions......
     Have you felt like any of these things were only happening to you and nobody understood how you were feeling? Consequently, You hibernate. You go into some deep shell. However, the truth is you are not alone and many people before you has felt this way. The thing we must never forget is to communicate with God no matter what is on our mind. He is God. Nothing you're going to say is going to knock Him off His throne or astonish Him.
     The Prophet Jeremiah had a day like this. In Jeremiah chapter 20  verse 7 and following, he gets real with God about his situation. God had called him to witness and declare sin,,, Judgement is coming, judgement is coming, but judgement never came. He tells God about everyone mocking him even his familiars mocked him. He even told God he was never going to speak about Him again. He cursed his birthday. He cried out that he wished he had never been born and that his mom should have killed him in the womb. Jeremiah even cursed the man who came to his father to tell him the good news that he was going to have a son. Wow, now Jeremiah was having a day.
     However, God had not left him or deserted him. God was right there listening. Jeremiah realized this and said he couldn't go without speaking about God. It was in him like fire shut up in his bones. God heard Jeremiah's cry and blessed him.
     Don't be afraid to cry out to God and share your real feelings..... He is listening!!!!!!
I am John Sowders and I am Second!!!!!

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