Friday, March 30, 2012

New life,,,, what joy it brings!!

     There is one time in life when there is no such thing as a stranger. That one moment when you talk to everyone around you and the amazing part about it is they want to talk back. The birth of a baby brings up emotions in people that we didn't know existed. When we get around a baby, there is a side of us that just takes over and we get all soft and fuzzy. I remember when my first child was born, I acted like that was the first time in history that this had ever happened. I think I talked to everybody in the hospital.
     The anticipation builds as we await this new life to come into the world. Consequently, I am waiting on a son that may be born today or tomorrow or the next day or sometime next week, well you get the picture. All the people involved and all the work by the mother brings about this awesome moment of the birth of this new child. There is preparation involved because you know it's coming. That moment still puts me at a moment of awe. The gift of life is amazing.
     Lets think about this new life: 1. It brings excitement. 2. People respond to it. 3. It is natural.
     First, It does bring excitement to all around it. It cause something inside you to bubble up. That's what happens in the church. When someone comes to know Christ as Savior and He breaths new life into them, there is something that bubbles up, not only in the person receiving new life but to everyone around them.
     Second, People respond to it. As a father of many children, there is one thing I know. When you go out in public with a baby, expect to be stopped many times. People love to look at and play with babies. There is some kind of energy that a baby gives off that people just want to be near. A person who has just accepted Christ does the same thing. They create this energy around them that people are drawn to. People want to be close to this person.
     Third, It is natural. Childbirth is a natural part of life. It is how God designed this world to continue on. It is how this world continues to move on, generation after generation. When we look at the church, people experiencing new birth should be natural. Not that we get use to it, but it should be something that is common in the church. It should not be something that happens once in a blue moon.
     My prayer today is two-fold. First, I pray that I would take personal responsibility to bring people to a new life only found in Jesus Christ, the son of the Living God. Second, I pray that I never get over my new birth that Jesus gave me. I want there to be continued excitement around me as I display my new experience and that people is drawn to it. After all, it should be natural...........

I am John Sowders and I am Second..!!!!!

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